Vayu Tatva - The Vital Force

Abstract: Vayu Tatva is considered as ‘vital life force. Prana Vayu is breath itself. The ten attributes of the Vayu Tatva, its three characteristics, techniques to balance it, the relevance and importance of Vayu in Yogic Therapy is discussed. 

Indian Philosophy believes that everything in this universe is made up of five building blocks called “Pancha Mahabhoota”. They are Prithvi (Earth), Jala (Water), Agni (Fire), Vayu (Air), and Akasha (Ether) Mahabhoota. The subtle principle from which this Bhoota is manifested is called as ‘Tatva’ or ‘Tanmantra’. While Mahabhoota manifest at a gross level; ‘Tatva’ of the same five elements is perceived at subtler level.
Prithvi Mahabhoota representing solid matter is easily perceptible to human senses. But in the case of Vayu (air) Tatva, one can feel while the air touches (Sparsha) our skin. Vayu is not only the air we breathe or the one that surrounds our planet but also the force that is responsible for all movements in the Universe. Vayu Tatva is not only responsible for spinning of the planet in the space around the Sun but also for respiration and circulation of blood in a living body. The flow of thoughts in human mind is attributable to Vayu Tatva and hence responsible for clarity, lightness and intelligence. A human being can go without food (Prithvi) for a few days and without water (Jala) for still lesser day or hours. But one cannot go without air (Vayu) beyond three to five minutes. This amplifies the importance of Vayu Tatva. 

Five Prana and five Upa Prana (together known as Dasha Vayu) are operational within our body. Understanding the yogic practices to strengthen them is of paramount importance. The names of the Pancha Prana, its characteristics and techniques for strengthening are tabulated hereunder in Table-1:

The names of the five Upa Prana, its function and the techniques for strengthening it are tabulated hereunder in Table-2:

Characteristics of Vayu: Vayu has three characteristics, which are explained hereunder:
(a) Yogavahi (Assimilative): Vayu can easily get mixed up with the surrounding and change its attributes.
(b) Sukshma (subtlety): Vayu doesn’t allow any empty space anywhere and instantly occupies the void that is created.
(c) Sanchalaka (directional): The all directional ability of Vayu Tatva can carry and move any objects with it.
Importance of Vayu Tatva in Yogic Therapy: The yogic practices mentioned in Column (5) of both Table 1 and 2 hereinabov
e will no doubt strengthen and balance our body effectively. According to Ayurveda, health exists when there is a balance between the three Doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Vata is translated as “something that moves things” and referred to as Vayu in the body. Vata (Vayu) is responsible for our mental and physical well-being. Hence, Vayu Tatva influences our relationship with others.
Conclusion: It is evident that Vayu not only award us the vitality but also help us in spiritual uplift. The characteristics and attributes of Vayu Tatva substantiate the vitality further. Hence, proper understanding of Vayu Tatva and maintaining its balance through yogic intervention is a gift to the mankind.

Thu Sep 21, 2023